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  NamibHub - Support Page  

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NamibHub is investigating ticket systems allowing authenticated customers to request or demand support, feedback etc. This will allow us to effectively organize, track and resolve problems with minimum effort allowing us and our client to stay focused on individual problems. Implementation of this system will not happen overnight as a lot of thought, technology testing and perhaps even trouble shooting is involved.

 We hope to have completed the ground work by 1 July 2010 and will spend most of June 2010 getting our services in order. Updates and changes will be put online if available (Finished or Not) which will allow you to see if we are making any progress.

NamibHub plans to provide the following free support to customers:

  • D.I.Y. Section (Under Construction)

 D.I.Y stands for our "Do It Yourself" and is aimed at presented customers with hypertext and pdf files which will assits in setting up basic services on their workstations at ome or office. One example would be how to configure a NamibHub POP3 email in Microsoft Mail, Outlook, KMAIL, Evolution, Incredimail or Mozilla Thunderbird.

Online materials will be copyrighted to ensure that such materials will not be abused.

  • FAQ  (Under Construction)

F.A.Qs stands for our Frequently Asked Questions. This section will contain common questions which get asked with a high frequancy and can be easily answered.

  • Blog(s) (Under Construction)

Blog stands for web log which will be maintained by us with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video which individuals can add. Entries will be displayed in reverse-chronological. The goal is to provide a means where anybody can ask questions comment and assist others while leaving a log for others to read and comment on. Existing customers will be notified via distribution list when these blogs have been put online, where they are located etc. For now it is sufficient to say that we are planning to implement this type of system.

  • SMS (Under Construction)

We plan to implement a SMS (Short Message System) system allowing customers to reach us via cellular SMS services. Tickets will be provided to customers to ensure that that such a service is not being abused and that we know exactly who we are dealing with. We are presently researching the possibilities for Namibia, taking into consideration of implementation, running costs, ease of use, effectiveness and matters that concern security.

Feel free to make suggestions that would help us to better understand your needs. References to active examples are appreciated. We cannot promise that every suggestion will be taken to heart but you can at least be assured that we will think about it. The implementation of value added services will be done as time and finances allow. We cannot spend countless hours and money implementing features that don't make sense and ask customers to be reasonable when they come up with any suggestions.


At NamibHub, support is provided on a first-come, first-served basis. It is our policy to attend to clients requests in the order that they arrived, without other biases or preferences.

To assure customers that their emails have arrived and will be attended to, NamibHub has implemented auto responders on support email accounts informing client of receipt of their message on that account. Customers can expect feedback within 24 hours informing them when we can attend to problems and a possible solution.  For more urgent attention, clients can also phone us via provided support numbers. We plan to implement a ticket system allowing customers and ourselves to reference service requests.

Our service contracts clearly state what is included with each package and additional services will be charged extra and separately. NamibHub cannot be held accountable for problems which fall beyond the scope of our contract and customers will be fully charged should they wish us to resolve such problems on their behalf.